Why Bartın University?

Reputation & Rankings

#800 Overall Rank by SCImago (2020)

#440 Research Rank by SCImago (2020)

#78 Country Rank by Academic Performance by URAP (2019-2020)

#3158 Webometrics World Rankings of University
Awarded Student Projects

Facilities & Libraries & Opportunities

7+1 & 3+1 Workplace Training

Double Majors & Minors

Free Medical Service

+50 Student Clubs & Student Festivals

Biggest Library in the Region Open 24/7
+13000 Printed Publications


Become friends from various backgrounds

+1900 International Students

from 4 continents & +70 countries
+20000 Alumni


In Touch with Nature

+1M m2  outdoor space

+35K m2 indoor space

on 4 different campuses

Staff Support

High satisfaction rating

Friendly atmosphere

World Champions

World-wide successful students awarded medals

at various branches of sports

Natural Beauty

A coastline of about 60 km

More than 14 sandy beaches

A history dating back to 3000 year ago